Yesterday's Incident
So yesterday's bombing here in Erbil has been trodden into the road of daily life here. Minutes after it occurred, I heard the sounds of construction tools and traffic and so on, the incident largely dismissed for what it was, which is an anomaly. Fortunately we have had only 5 such incidents since 2003. London has had 4, Madrid had 4, and we are the ones who are still part of Iraq!
I was heartened to hear that someone observed groups of people heading off in a common direction after the incident, and when questioned, it turns out they were going to give blood.
It is this common union of purpose that has kept this region safe, and will continue to do so. The only worries were among a family whose daughter didn't phone right away afterwards, and another young lady who was rattled (literally) by her proximity. Everyone else was cool. So stay cool.
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